Food insecurity in Northern Brazil
The Mission
Addressing malnutrition due to food insecurity in children under 5 in Northern Brazil
The challenge
The North/Northeastern state of Alagoas in Brazil grapples with a severe food insecurity crisis, resulting in a surge of malnutrition among children under 5, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite Brazil's agricultural prowess, hunger has risen due to economic factors like poverty and unemployment. The cost of basic foods has spiked, affecting household purchasing power. Approximately 33 million Brazilians face heightened hunger, worsened by dismantled social programs and austerity measures, especially impacting the North Region. Malnutrition is a critical concern, affecting children disproportionately, linked to environmental factors and resulting in a dual burden of malnutrition and obesity, further complicated by the challenges of COVID-19. Social inequalities, economic impacts, and geographic disparities contribute to food insecurity, demanding comprehensive strategies and targeted interventions for economic reforms, education, and equitable access to nutritious food.
The solution
not yet defined