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Sunny Trees

The Mission

Providing green and sustainable energy while making it aesthetically pleasing.

The challenge

Based on photovoltaic panel technology, Sunny Trees offers much more than a simple, aesthetically displeasing and space-consuming black panel. While photovoltaic panels are becoming more and more widespread and popular, many people are still reluctant to have a big black panel in the middle of their garden or covering their roof. Therefore, offering the advantages and benefits of a photovoltaic panel, Sunny Trees will also beautify and enrich your garden by making it greener and more sustainable. Sunny Trees is actually a galvanized steel structure mirroring the trunk and branches of a tree, equipped with photovoltaic panels at the top , and surrounded with vines hiding the entire metal structure. Sunny Trees is also customizable regarding the plants and the size of the Tree, making it unique and special, allowing it to blend nicely into its surroundings.

The solution

A steel structure mirroring the trunk and branches of a tree, equipped with photovoltaic panels at the top, and surrounded with vines hiding the entire metal structure.

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Sunny Trees


Team info

>Claeysen Mareva
Maastricht University
International Business
>Maya Laure Menon
Is this team looking for new team members?


We are looking for new team members with the following skill(s)

Ambition, Finance knowledge, Networks, Experience

Contact us!

UM postal address
P.O. Box 616
6200 MD Maastricht
The Netherlands

UM visiting address
Minderbroedersberg 4-6
6211 LK Maastricht
The Netherlands
+31 43 388 2222

Social media & contact
Social media

Tel: +31 (0)6 13 98 91 91

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